Come and visit us at the Dorset COP (Conference of Parties)
This is the opportunity for our community to have its say on the climate and ecological crises. By bringing together a wide cross section of community-based groups from across the county the COP hopes to raise awareness of the need and desire to act locally, in a way that puts people at the heart of decisions and is socially just.
What would you like to see at Russell-Cote’s in the future?
Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum in Bournemouth, one of DEED’s partners on the Where We Can Call Home project, have launched an online survey to find out more about what people would like to see happen at Russell-Cotes in the future.
Last week Louise and Sarah had an enjoyable time working with the Poole Primary SCITT trainees
Louise’s morning workshop explored Multicultural Britain and Sarah spent an afternoon with her ‘global glasses’ on, exploring ideas, resources and activities to support the trainees to bring the wider world to their classroom, and empower their pupils to be informed, active global citizens!
‘Hopefool’ is back on tour around Dorset
Hope Fool examines what it’s like to be a refugee and why people find themselves in terrible situations in the quest to have a ‘normal’ life. Performed by Celeste, an integrated drama group consisting of members from Vita Nova, those with English as a second language and refugees. The performance will be followed by a post-play discussion with the cast.
First ever Dorset Conference of Parties (COP) is to take place on Saturday 9th September in Dorchester
Zero Carbon Dorset, Dorset Climate Action Network and Sustainable Dorset have combined forces to launch the first-ever Dorset COP “Conference of Parties”. This ground-breaking, community-led event is an attempt to apply the power of the international COPs to local issues and so galvanise Dorset into action to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.
We had a wonderful time at the ‘Heart of PLACE’ conference in the Lake District
This celebratory day was put on by Cumbria DEC in partnership with colleagues from SEVER, SOSNA and DEED. Each partner shared elements of their PLACE project approach – Philosophy 4 Children, Questing, Natural and Therapeutic Gardening and Active Local Citizenship and all 30 participants seemed to have a great day!
QE student’s designs showcased on the streets of Wimborne Minster
QE School Graphic Design ‘A’ Level students were in town last week to see artist Claire Nuttall, paint their designs onto two of the street drains just in time for the Folk Festival. The project, run in partnership with Wimborne War on Waste CIC, and supported by Litter Free Dorset, was designed to raise awareness about the impact of litter in drains in the town on local rivers and the ocean.
FREE event with international award-winning author Beverley Naidoo
Come and hear Beverley Naidoo read from her books Journey to Jo’burg, Cinderella of the Nile, The Other Side of Truth and Children of the Stone City. Beverley will talk about the challenges in seeking safety in different places and times. This event is suitable for all ages and there will be signed copies of her books on sale.
Diverse Stories
This new ‘Diverse Stories’ pupil workshop provides a ‘golden thread’ of learning about diversity in the UK throughout the curriculum.
DEED were lucky enough to be invited to run our new ‘Diverse Stories’ pupil workshops as part of Prince of Wales First School’s Heritage Week.
From Preschool to Year 4, we explored the real-life stories of people who live, or were born, in the UK but have heritage from around the world. Each person had achieved great things through their love of sport, science, education, or singing and dancing.
Volunteers needed for our exciting new ‘Where We Can Call Home’ project
This project will tell the stories of people from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s ethnically diverse communities and how their journeys from different places have led them to make BCP their home.
We are leading this project with Citizens Advice BCP to help everyone learn more about BCP's rich, cultural heritage, its challenges and its successes.
A new project that empowers young people to make a positive difference to both their and nature’s future
The Natural History Museum is leading a partnership to establish the new National Education Nature Park and Climate Action Awards. The project aims to ensure every young person in England has the opportunity to develop a meaningful connection to nature, to understand the concepts of climate change and biodiversity loss and feel able to do something about it.
Download this FREE directory of eco-friendly ideas and initiatives for families and communities
Wiltshire Council have put together this brilliant directory filled with lots of ideas and suggestions as to how you can make your community greener and more sustainable and contribute to Wiltshire’s carbon-neutral ambitions. There are lots of fun ways children can get involved too. We’re all increasingly aware of the key issues facing humanity: global warming, climate change, pollution and environmental degradation.
Don’t miss ‘Hopefool’ at Increase the Peace Festival on Sunday 7th May
DEED is working in partnership with Vita Nova and Celeste to put on public performances of ‘Hopefool’ by Sharon Coyne to raise awareness of refugee issues locally. There will be a showing at Increase the Peace Festival on 7th May at 3.30 pm. This is a play for young people and adults which explores themes around peace, love and acceptance.
Vita Nova also has another event at 11.30 am on the same day with internationally acclaimed writer Beverley Naidoo which will include a reading, discussion and book signing.
“Meet difference not with fear, but with an open mind” – Louise Boston-Mammah
Louise Boston-Mammah was invited to a reception by the Mayor of Bournemouth at Bournemouth Civic Centre to celebrate local women’s achievements in Bournemouth. She was interviewed while there and shared her thoughts on what change she’d like to see in the world and what advice she had for others, ahead of International Women’s Day 2023.
Teaching sustainability: global education support for teachers and students
We live in unprecedented times facing climate, ecological and cost-of-living crises. It's easy to be overwhelmed by these but solutions do exist. DEED can support education and innovation by encouraging and inspiring teachers, pupils and communities to develop their
Where We Can Call Home
This is an exciting new community heritage project researching, recording and celebrating the contribution of people from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s ethnically diverse communities, led by Citizens Advice BCP and DEED.
The years between the census of 2002 and 2021 have seen a huge shift to a more culturally and socially diverse local authority. This project aims to raise awareness of the rich cultural heritage of BCP and the legacy of the people who live here.
How can schools save money and the planet?
Reboot the Future are hosting this free webinar as part of the Learning Planet Festival on Tuesday 24th of January, 5 - 6 pm.
As we become more focused on the need to reduce energy costs and work with ever-stretched budgets in our own homes and schools, it can be easy to forget that our actions not only impact ourselves and our communities but ripple all the way to the southernmost point of our planet.
A Nativity play for 2022
After the successes of last year’s ‘Refugee Nativity’ and recognising that the refugee crisis is still as acute as ever, Vita Nova, a community theatre group for those in recovery from addiction, have teamed up with the ESOL (English as a Second Language) department at Bournemouth and Poole College to rehearse and present a new version of The Nativity. This very special performance of ‘Refugee Nativity’ will primarily be performed by cast members for whom English is a second, third or fourth language.
Check out these multi-cultural events Artsreach are bringing to rural Dorset this autumn
Artsreach is Dorset’s touring arts organisation, giving rural communities all over the County the opportunity to see and participate in high-quality arts events in their own villages. As a charitable organisation, Artsreach aims to make ticket prices accessible to everyone.
These three events are well worth going to see and we suggest you book your tickets soon to avoid disappointment. Enjoy!
Black History Month 2022 – and Louise won an award!
As we reflect on this year’s BHM and its theme of change, DEED, and many of the organisations we work with, are trying to change people’s perceptions of the world around them.
Louise’s talk at BCP Council’s BHM event on the 5th of October led by the BCP Race & Cultural Diversity Staff Network, emphasised that black history is local history and asked the audience to reimagine our relationship with the past. Whilst there, Louise received an award for her work promoting black history in Dorset.