Drain Art
This has been a popular piece of work with schools. Thanks to funding we have delivered pupil workshops in QE School, Wimborne, St Michael’s Middle, Colehill, Heatherlands Primary, Poole and Mudeford Junior, Christchurch, exploring the impact of litter on our local and global environment.
All pupils were very engaged in our workshops and came up with great ideas and ‘drain art’ designs which were then created on the ground with the help of 2 local artists: Claire Nuttall and Miroslav Lucan (Lucan Art). Some of these pieces of art were installed in the local community to raise awareness about the issues of plastic pollution and littering on our rivers and the sea. There is no ‘away’ when things are thrown down the drain… it has to go somewhere!
This work has been made possible thanks to funding from Litter Free Dorset, the Wessex Water Foundation Environment Fund via Dorset Community Foundation, and the PLACE Project. We can still offer these workshops but need to charge. As always we are seeking additional funding to take this Drain Artwork across the county and into South Wiltshire schools, helping children everywhere become active, responsible local and global citizens! If you wish to support this work please get in touch!