Children’s Workshops - Fabulous Fairtrade
Fair Trade links to and enriches all areas of the curriculum and is a popular and accessible area of work for schools to explore. DEED’s work on Fair Trade also links to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child supporting your school’s Rights Respecting journey and work on the Climate Crisis.
Investigate the impact and benefits of Fair Trade seen through the eyes of children around the world. Simulation games enable children to role-play the production of cocoa, find out about the journey of a banana, hold a fair-trade fashion show, wear fair-trade cotton and explore how fairtrade can help farmers facing the effects of the climate crisis.
DEED Pupil Workshops for all Key Stages can include:
• Simulation games to explore how it feels to be a producer in today’s global markets
• The journey of bananas and chocolate from farm to supermarket
• Where our food comes from, featuring a giant world map
• How Fair Trade can help enable Children’s Rights around the world
• Fairtrade chocolate and fruit tasting, Fairtrade clothing and jewellery
• Fairtrade and the Climate Crisis
A selection of curriculum-based resources can be borrowed from DEED. These include table top display boards, produce, posters, bunting, inflatable bananas, footballs, lesson plans, educational packs, books, DVDs and stories supporting work on Fairtrade and Children’s Rights across the curriculum. Always updated with the latest Fairtrade Fortnight resources.