Fabulous Fairtrade

Do you know when Fairtrade Fortnight is? Well it’s usually the last week of February and the first week of March every year, and allows us the opportunity to really focus on Fairtrade – what it means, why it’s important, and how we can use it in schools to enrich the curriculum and global learning.

Our training course and workshops for children offer support to help you investigate the impact and benefits of Fair Trade. This popular topic links well to children’s sense of fairness and unfairness and can enrich all areas of the curriculum as well as work on children’s rights. We can also share with you resources and simulation games to enable children to role-play the production of cocoa, find out about the journey of a banana, hold a fair-trade fashion show, wear fair-trade cotton and explore the life of a fair-mined gold miner. Our training is designed to support staff with classroom activities, resources, displays and websites to investigate the impact and benefits of Fair Trade and how this links to the curriculum, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Fairtrade School Award.

We regularly have new school packs from the Fairtrade Foundation which will help you explore the ideas of making better choices when buying your chocolate bars, fruit, tea and coffee.

The theme for 2020 was Fairtrade Fortnight ‘Calling all chocolate fans and fighters for fairness’. The mission to ensure that all farmers are paid fairly for their work and are able to earn a living income, starting with cocoa farmers in West Africa, will continue.

This year Fairtrade are building on last year’s theme and are again highlighting the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with.


Fairtrade Foundation have produced some Fairtrade Adventure short films suitable for 7-11 years, 11 to 14 years  and 14 to 16 years.

You will find details of the Fairtrade School award on the Fairtrade Foundation website.

Visit the Actionaid website for some great downloadable fair trade teaching resources.

This is a very useful publication Ethical Purchasing Guidance for Schools and Colleges if you are interested in exploring Fairtrade purchasing for your school.


DEED Fairtrade Resources

We have a selection of curriculum-based resources that can be borrowed from DEED. These include tabletop display boards, produce, posters, bunting, inflatable bananas, footballs, lesson plans, educational packs, books, DVDs and stories supporting work on Fairtrade and Children’s Rights across the curriculum. Always updated with the latest Fairtrade Fortnight resources.

  • “I now feel inspired and energised to make a difference at my school.”

    DEED Fairtrade inset participant

Our prices start from £150 for talks and staff meetings.
Please see our price list and contact DEED to discuss your needs as some of our work may be available for free or at a subsidised rate due to project funding.
Email info@deed.org.uk or call 01202 875411

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