Drain Art created by pupils of Heathlands Primary and Mudeford Junior schools

Large blue striped painted fish on the street with it's mouth open, inside his mouth is a street drain and by the side the words 'only rain down the drain'

Mudeford Junior’s drain art

Pupils at Heatherlands Primary school in Poole and Mudeford Junior school in Christchurch have been exploring the impact of litter on the local and global environment.

Working with Sarah from DEED, and Mirek from LucanArt, groups of Year 5 pupils have designed artwork for drains in their school grounds to encourage everyone to look down and consider where their litter goes when it is thrown ‘away’.

‘The children loved the workshop with Sarah and went into class talking about it all really confidently.’ Bea Collis, Assistant Headteacher, Heatherlands Primary

‘The Year 5 children have been learning about ocean pollution as part of their community week. They have become educated, informed and inspired about making a difference to protect our seas and this project has enabled them to spread that message to the wider school community. The children were thrilled to be part of this project and for Noah to see his design painted as a reminder for all is just wonderful!’ Sarah McKinley, Senior Leader, Mudeford Junior.

group of school children standing next to a man crouched down by a street drain

Heatherlands Primary School

Man and child crouched down beside a street drain

Mudeford Junior School

aerial view of a strret drain with a big splash of blue water painted around it with fish and jelly fish  and SOS written on it

Heatherland Primary’s drain art

Following the workshops the designs were chosen which pupils and staff felt stood out the most. While everyone did such a good job, it was Amelia and Christina in Heatherlands and Noah in Mudeford who came up with the winning designs of ‘Save Our Seas’ and ‘Only Rain Down the Drain’ as these were the most eye catching and powerful in their messaging.

Drawing of a splash of water and Save our Seas around a phto of a street drain

Heatherland Primary’s design

Drawing of a blue striped fish with a drain in his mouth, looking like it's tteth, and only rain down the drain written by the side

Mudeford Junior’s design

Throughout this project the focus has been on raising awareness about our interconnection with the ocean - what happens when we drop litter on the streets, which can get washed down the drain, into the rivers and out to sea. Ocean plastic pollution is one of many environmental problems we are facing, and small actions like Drain Art really help our young people to be part of a more positive future.

This project has made been possible thanks to the talented Miroslav Lucan from LucanArt who brought the pupils’ designs to life, and funding from the Wessex Water Foundation Environment Fund via Dorset Community Foundation.

For more information about the project contact Sarah at DEED: training@deed.org.uk or www.deed.org.uk


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