Be a Part of the Great Big Green Week 2022

Alice, a farmer, picking coffee beans

24th September - 2nd October

Our friends Jo and Sarah of The Fairtrades Team have bought this event to our attention. As the new term begins they would like to invite you to join them for Great Big Green Week, organised by the Climate Coalition it’s a national celebration of positive action on climate.

For communities growing crops like bananas, cocoa, tea and coffee, climate change is not a question for the future – it’s happening now. Farmers like Alice, who is seeing her yields affected by extreme weather events at her coffee farm in Kenya.  

Farmers are having to adapt to the climate changes affecting their farms.

This summer has shown there is no time to lose.

Now is the time for our communities to take action.

Fairtrade farmers are planting the seeds of a greener, fairer future. You can do more than show your solidarity - you can Sow Your Solidarity.


What can your school do?

1. Sign your Community Declaration and receive two special postcards with free British native wildflower seeds in the shape of a FAIRTRADE Mark. You could invite your MP, and present one postcard to them at an event at your school to plant your seeds. 

2. Write a letter to tomorrow. Your class can join with climate campaigners across the UK to write a letter to their loved ones or future selves about their hopes for the future, with nature and climate in mind. Find out more, and access other great teaching resources on the Great Big Green Week schools' page.

Last year, lots of Fairtrade campaigners got involved in Great Big Green Week to spread the word that without fairer trade, we can’t tackle the climate crisis. 

Check out this blog featuring eight of the ways campaigners got involved last year.

Caroline Tennent

I’m a web designer and I love creating beautiful, affordable websites that work hard for small businesses. Simply put, a business needs a website to reach more customers. It needs to look good but it also needs to work hard. That’s where I can help, I build cost-effective, good looking websites that are both mobile and google friendly.

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Writing letters to the Earth