Climate Action Plans

By working together, we want to support staff in schools to feel part of a wider community who know where to go locally and nationally for expertise and help, and who feel empowered to take positive actions for the environment.

Our offer of support to schools
It is an expectation that all schools will have a designated Sustainability Lead & a Climate Action Plan in place by the end of 2025! Department for Education Policy Paper 2022 - Sustainability and Climate Change

We know that there is a great deal of information already available to help schools Sustainability Support for Education but it can be overwhelming to know where to start. So, we are offering Headteachers, Senior leaders and Teaching staff the opportunity to have an initial conversation with us to explore how we may be able to help you move forward. To identify the specific challenges your school may face in terms of educating about climate change and the specific support you would like, whether it is:

  • Training for staff

  • Resources and expertise to support this work practically and in the curriculum

  • Support to develop a whole school approach and Climate Action Plan

Evidence shows us that climate warming, wildlife/biodiversity loss, and well-being are closely linked, and the need for us all to connect with nature has never been more important. You could start by registering your school to join the National Education Nature Park and Climate Action Awards How it works | Education Nature Park

If you would like to know more please contact Sarah at DEED:

Caroline Tennent

I’m a web designer and I love creating beautiful, affordable websites that work hard for small businesses. Simply put, a business needs a website to reach more customers. It needs to look good but it also needs to work hard. That’s where I can help, I build cost-effective, good looking websites that are both mobile and google friendly.

Growing Spaces, Growing Minds


Poole Environmental Well-Being Hub – Healthy Lives, Healthy Planet